Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Homestudy Interviews Scheduled

Yesterday we received a call from the director of Hope's Promise letting us know that our file has been reviewed and we are cleared for the next step!  The next phase involves 3 different interviews with a case worker who has been assigned to us for the remainder of our adoption journey.  Our first interview is both Karl and I together and it will be on December 27th.  The second interview is each of us individually and that will be on January 3rd.  The individual interviews will be pretty lengthy at 2 hours each!   Finally, the 3rd interview will be in our home on January 5th.  This is basically to inspect our home and make sure it is safe for a child.  We're not too nervous but it sure will be nice to have these done!

We were talking yesterday about how smooth this whole process has been for us.  Throughout our time of infertility it was so frustrating because everything was out of our control.  When we started the adoption process it was very exciting because it felt like we had some control in the matter. For example: which agency we chose, when to start the process, how quickly we wanted to get the paperwork done, ect.  Then we went to our training through the agency and one of the things that kept being brought up was, letting go of all  our expectations.  It was good for us to hear this and also remember that ultimately it's all in God's hands anyways and He already knows the exact timing of this whole process for us.  We've tried to just let go of our expectations and know that when it happens, it's in His perfect timing.  God has blessed us tremendously with an experience that seems to be painless and even enjoyable!


  1. This is cool. Just really, really cool. We are so excited for you guys...and praying that it continues to be a smooth process. Can't wait to meet Baby Anderson!

  2. Have I mentioned before that we're really excited about your journey?!? :-) This is great news. We'll keep praying for God's perfect timing and perfect addition for your family!

  3. Hooray! That's exactly how we felt - the amazing difference between fertility treatments and the hope/disappointment roller coaster monthly, and the peace once we moved into pursuing parenthood through adoption. We are praying for you guys and can't wait for our babies to be adoption buddies! Merry Christmas!

  4. Thanks girls for your encouragement and excitement! It means ALOT to us. We greatly appreciate your continued prayers for our journey. Adrea - Can't wait for the day your baby will have a buddy. :)

  5. How'd interview #1 go? Hoping #2 goes well tomorrow. And that you guys feel entirely peaceful about it!

  6. Hey Katie - thanks for asking! The first interview went great, pretty easy. They basically just asked questions about adoption and how we plan on dealing with certain issues. This next one tomorrow is going to be the hardest one. We feel a total peace though and are just excited to finish. I will post an update after we finish them :)
